Stop Being Easy to Ignore

Why Your Content Is Easy to Ignore

Aug 03, 2024

Today, I'm going to show you how to have your message standout so it can be heard by more people.

The awesome thing about the internet?

Everyone can share their ideas + message online without needing anyone’s permission. The downside? Anyone can share their ideas + message. 

It's noisy out there.

But when you tap into your unique voice, creating content becomes easier. You feel more aligned to what you're putting out, and the ideas you share become more memorable. 

Unfortunately, what most people are putting out is completely ignorable because...

  • They're saying what anyone else could say without adding their personal spin
  • They avoid saying anything that someone could disagree with
  • They're not tapping into their unique talents

Let's show you exactly how you can start using your unique voice to avoid being lost in the rabble.

Say What Only You Can Say 

If you're not sharing things that only you can say, nothing separates you from the hundreds of millions of others publishing ideas online. When I was a DJ, there was a big divide between those who only got to perform locally and those who got paid to fly to different cities. The difference?

The second group produced their own original music. 

There's no way I would've got to play in Europe, at Burning Man, or Ultra Music Festival in Miami if I was just playing other people's music. An extremely small number of DJs are so insanely skilled from a technical perspective that they buck this trend. But by and large, if you want to break out of your regional bubble, you need to be producing your own music.

There's only so far you can go as a cover band.

What are examples of things that only you can say? A great place to start is sharing original stories from your life and business. For me that's included stories about mistakes I've made, tales about my dad, my first kiss, and the real cost of going cheap on a tattoo when I was 17.

In the example above, instead of sharing this story of the terrible tattoo I paid for with half cash and half hash, I  could've simply said the common phrase "you get what you pay for". But how boring and forgettable would that have been? 

Say Things Some Will Disagree With

So many get this wrong because they're consumed with worry about what others might think.

They trim their opinions and bubble wrap their thoughts so that no one could possibly call out the edges that stand out. This reduces any potentially interesting or original opinion into something boring, obvious, and safe. Platitudes that any other coach could regurgitate.

If you want your message to be magnetic to some, you have to be willing to repulse others.

How far should you go? Last year, one of my posts led to someone cancelling a call with me. They said "after reviewing some of your content, I don't think you're the coach for me". 

Did I get worried?

Did I start wondering if I should be filtering myself? Heck no. Because that exact same post got loads of comments from current Dream Clients, generated several inbound messages, and led to me signing two kickass new clients.

The same post that pushed someone who wasn't a good fit away was also captivating to those I'm excited to serve.

So what are things that you have strong opinions about that your Dream Clients would agree with? What are things that frustrate you about the industry you serve? What are your absolute hardline values?

Talk about those. 

Leverage Your Talents 

When you begin sharing things that only you can say while putting out ideas that not everyone will agree with, your message is going to start standing out. If you add leveraging your unique talents as part of how you communicate those ideas, you'll be tapping into your unique voice. This will make you memorable to your Dream Clients.

What could your talents include?

Video editing
Finding analogies
Making others laugh
Taking great pictures
Playing an Instrument

Any skill or talent that you can incorporate into how you communicate your ideas.

The possibilities are near limitless. For some of my clients that's meant using puppets to convey communication challenges, sharing original drawings to summarize complex ideas in simple ways, and making analogies between their long distance running and common hurdles their clients face.

Now go start leveraging your unique voice so you can be memorable, actually enjoy your own content, and get to help more people.

See you next Saturday,



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