The Real Reason Clients Aren't Messaging You
Dec 03, 2022
Read Time: 4 Minutes Today I'm going to show you how you can get more people reaching out, signing-up for your offers, and saying yes to your services. If you don't learn how to do this, you could be incredible at what you do but still struggle to get people to listen to what you have to say, let alone raise their hand to work with you. Apply what I'm teaching you here and you'll not only have more potential clients messaging you, you'll have to spend less time tying to "sell them". Unfortunately, most people don't learn to do this because they're....
Today I'm going to show you four specific things to do that actually gets people to take action. Build Actual AuthorityPeople look up to authority. Period. Even rebels subconsciously seek out leaders for guidance. It's no coincidence that you'll see me mention these things below in my bio and in my content. I....... Wrote a best-selling book. Sharing these things shows expertise while building credibility. One of my clients has taught over 5000 people how to be better presenters. Another spent years at Goldman Sachs (arguably the most respected and well-known investment banking firm) before going out on their own. You better believe that these are things they mention.
Include these in your backstory, your bio, and in your content so that others can start seeing you as the awesome expert that you are. Show Proof That Your Sh!t WorksBeing seen as an authority will get some people to pay attention to what you say. If you want to increase the likelihood that folks actually take action while reducing any need to "hard sell" them, you have to show proof that your stuff works. What does that look like? Showing reviews, recommendations, screenshots, testimonials, and case studies. Here's two messages I've got from clients this week: The first one is from a client who didn't believe in the power of social media when we started working together. Now they're doubling-down on their LinkedIn strategy and getting inbound inquiries on a weekly basis.
Create Legitimate UrgencyUrgency makes people take action. Have you ever put something off only to do it at the last minute before a deadline? Of course you have. Whether it was cramming to finish a project before its due date, renewing your license before it expired, or finishing a presentation before you would be standing in front of the audience, my guess is you can relate. Deadlines make things happen. If you want people to get off their ass and act, give it a deadline. How can you ethically do this in your business so you're not manufacturing false urgency?
I'm announcing something special next week that will come with a huge bonus for those who jump in before the end of the year. Leverage Genuine ScarcityWhen people start seeing you as an expert, you're showing proof of what you can do, and you've created urgency to act, momentum will be building in your favour. Add scarcity to the mix and watch the heck out! Why is scarcity so powerful? If there's one thing humans really hate, it's missing out. FOMO is real. And I don't mean making up BS fake scarcity, like saying there's only 10 copies of something available when it's a digital product. If you're reading this, I know you're not down with that kind of buffoonery. What does genuine scarcity look like? If you're running a group program, limit the size and make it known. And if you're running it for the first time, intentionally make it small. You're way better off filling each seat and having to turn people away. Not only will you be able to better serve your first cohort, the message to the market will be that you're in demand. If you're only working with people 1:1, cap the number of people you can serve at any time. I'm not only highly selective about who I work with 1:1, I have a limited amount of coaching spots so that I still have time to think, create, and enjoy life with my family. I currently have only one open 1:1 coaching spot and it becomes available in January. That's it. I'm full. Now go build actual authority, show you sh!t works, create legitimate urgency, and leverage genuine scarcity so you can get folks to take action and positively impact more people. -Robb
When you're ready, here's two ways I can help you: 2. Get my best-selling book, Die Before They Do, here. |
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I'll never share, sell, or do any other shady nonsense with your information. Nope. I'm not down with that.