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He Was Probably Disappointed With My Answer (Call in Empowered Clients)

Aug 10, 2024

His opening question seemed innocent enough:

"If you were to use a phrase to describe your experience being self-employed, what would it be?"

But this stranger who had showed up uninvited in my inbox carried on with suggested answers that were awfully leading...

  • "It’s a roller coaster"

  • "No one understands me"

  • "I feel like I’m all over the place"

These potential responses weren't being provided to be helpful.

He was trying to twist the knife in what he hoped was an already sore wound. In which case, then I'd absolutely need whatever he was prescribing to make the terrible pain go away. I'm sure he was disappointed with the answer I gave him (more on that in a minute).

You do want to be incredible at describing the challenges your clients face.

Why? This quote sums it up perfectly: “When you can articulate another person’s problem better than they can, they automatically and unconsciously credit you with knowing the solution.“ 

But there's a trap.

When you focus too much on emphasizing the pain people are in, you'll find yourself only attracting disempowered folks. These are people who have their identity so wrapped up in being a person with these problems, that they subconsciously want to keep them (even if they tell you otherwise).


They'll be looking for you to magically "fix them" without much effort on their side. And before you know it, you'll be riding the struggle bus with them. Feeling frustrated and drained, wondering why everything is so difficult.

How do you avoid this?

Call in the folks who are ready to make a change by spending more time talking about what is possible. Show them the amazing sh!t that lies on the other side once they decide "that's enough". That's how you get people who are ready to do the work to raise their hands.

And how did I answer that stranger's question?

I described my experience of being self-employed as "a creative adventure that I get to intentionally build." 

One where I....

  • Often take a midday nap or walk

  • Have at least one "no call day" a week

  • Regularly have time blocked for creativity

  • Am grateful to see the immense impact of what I do

  • Have the freedom to go kickboxing several times a week

  • Only say yes to working with people that fill me with energy

  • Design my schedule to have quality time with my partner + children

  • Feel grateful for the wild power of the internet that lets me reach people around the globe (clients in 16 countries and counting)

  • And get to "work" from wherever I want. In the last six months that's included Austin Texas, a cottage in a cute beach town, and a condo overlooking the ocean in Mexico."

(Yes, I sent him that entire response 😅)

 So get to know your clients' challenges better than they do, but spend more time showing them what is truly possible when they make the freaking leap.

See you next Saturday.



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